PSEMA Response Platform
PSEMA is working with Disaster Tech to build Pratus, a customized digital platform for members to collaborate when a disaster happens. Pratus will provide prioritized channels for communicating with other PSEMA members, industry committee members, general PSEMA discussions, and a database of pertinent resources available from PSEMA partners.
PSEMA Members can participate in regularly scheduled calls when the Association activates to support a disaster. Association leadership will monitor calls with state and federal government partners and NGO or association calls to gather information to provide to our members. PSEMA leadership recognizes that businesses have limited time available for participation in calls for situational awareness. The Association provides these scheduled updates for members to convey important information from government partners.
Industry Committee Calls
PSEMA members can attend regularly scheduled calls of PSEMA Industry Committees when the Association is activated to support a disaster. Industry Committee discussions will focus on the needs of members within that specific industry or domain, requests to or from government partners, and cross-sector support.
Response Resources
Disaster recovery continues to evolve in size and scope with every catastrophic event that impacts a community. The private sector plays a crucial role in responding to these disasters within their own communities, region, and around the country.
PSEMA has identified valuable business response resources available for both government and private sector partners that address hazardous weather events, man-made incidents such as active threats and cybersecurity, and longer-term operational impact requiring climate resilience considerations.